b. Sept. 10, 1897, Billom, France
d. July 9, 1962, Paris
French librarian and writer whose essays, novels, and poetry
expressed his fascination with eroticism, mysticism, and the irrational.
He viewed excess as a way to gain personal "sovereignty."
After training as an archivist at the school of paleography known as
the École des Chartes in Paris, he worked as a
librarian and medieval specialist at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris
until 1942.
In 1951 he became keeper of the Orléans library.
He also
edited scholarly journals and in 1946 founded an influential literary
review, Critique, which he edited until his death.
His first novel, on sexual excess, was published under a pseudonym,
Lord Auch; it appeared in 1928 as Histoire de l'oeil (The Story of
the Eye).
As Pierre Angélique, another pseudonym, he wrote
Madame Edwarda (1937).
Le Coupable (1944; Guilty) was the first
major literary work published under his own name.
La Littérature et
le mal [La letteratura e il male] (1957) and L'Érotisme (1957)
He also wrote Lascaux; ou, la naissance de l'art (1955;
Lascaux; or, The Birth of Art) and Manet (1955).
A novel, Ma
Mère (My Mother), was published in 1966.
The complete works (Oeuvres complètes) of Bataille, published
between 1970 and 1988, occupy 12 volumes.
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